Cancer Death Rates Continue To Fall

CHICAGO: Cancer death rates are continuing to fall, but not all segments of the population are benefiting, the American Cancer Society said on Friday.

Overall, the group predicts 1,596,670 new cancer cases in the United States and 571,950 deaths in 2011.

Death rates for all cancer types fell by 1.9 percent a year from 2001 to 2007 in men and by 1.5 percent a year in women from 2002 through 2007.

Steady overall declines in cancer death rates have meant about 898,000 who would have died prematurely from cancer in the past 17 years did not, the organization said.

Americans with the least education are more than twice as likely to die from cancer as those with the most education, according to the group's annual cancer report.

Death rates for all cancer types have fallen in all racial and ethnic groups among both men and women since 1998 with the exception of American Indian/Alaska Native women, among whom rates were stable.

Black and Hispanic men have had the largest annual decreases in cancer death rates since 1998, falling by 2.6 percent among blacks and 2.5 percent among Hispanics.

New cases of lung cancer among women fell after rising steadily since the 1930s. The decline comes more than a decade after lung cancer rates in men started dropping and reflects differences in smoking trends among U.S. men and women, who took up smoking later in the last century than men.

Lung cancer is expected to account for 26 percent of all cancer deaths among women in 2011 and remains the No. 1 cancer killer of both men and women in the United States.

Breast cancer comes in No. 2 for women. Prostate cancer is the second most common killer of men, and colon cancer is the third-leading cause of cancer deaths for both sexes.

These four cancers account for almost half the total cancer deaths among men and women.

Cancer rates vary considerably among racial and ethnic groups. For all cancer types, black men have a 14 percent higher rate of new cases and a 33 percent higher death rate than white men, while black women have a 6 percent lower rate of new cancer cases and a 17 percent higher death rate than white women.

The report found cancer rates in the least educated were 2.6 times higher than in the most educated. This was most pronounced in lung cancer, reflecting higher smoking rates among those with less education.

Thirty-one percent of men with 12 or fewer years of education are smokers, compared with 12 percent of college graduates and 5 percent of men with advanced degrees.(Reuters)

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Adult Diabetes Rate Doubles

LONDON: The number of adults with diabetes worldwide has more than doubled since 1980, with almost 350 million now affected, according to a new study published in The Lancet medical journal.

Scientists from Imperial College London and Harvard University analysed blood sugar date of 2.7 million people aged 25 and over across the world and used the results to estimate diabetes prevalence.

The number of adults with diabetes more than doubled from 153 million in 1980 to 347 million in 2008, according to the research published Saturday.

Diabetes is caused by poor blood sugar control and can lead to heart disease and stroke and can damage the kidneys, nerves and eyes.

High blood sugar levels and diabetes kill three million people across the world each year.

The researchers said two of the strongest factors in the rising diabetes rate were increasing life span and body weight, especially among women.

"Our study has shown that diabetes is becoming more common almost everywhere in the world," said Majid Ezzati, from Imperial College London, who co-led the study.

"This is in contrast to blood pressure and cholesterol, which have both fallen in many regions. Diabetes is much harder to prevent and treat than these other conditions."

Diabetes rates had risen most in Pacific island nations, where a greater proportion of people have the condition than anywhere else in the world, according to the study.

In the Marshall Islands, one in three women and one in four men have diabetes, it found.

Countries in western Europe had seen a relatively small increase in diabetes prevalence. (AFP)

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RAWALPINDI RAMS Win Super Eight Twenty20 Tournament

FAISALABAD: Rawalpindi Rams won the Super Eight Twenty20 Tournament defeating Karachi Dolphins by nine runs in super over after the final tied in an exciting day-night contest here at the Iqbal Stadium on Friday.

The interesting match began lately due to rain and Rawalpindi Rams winning the toss put Karachi Dolphins into bat on a wet wicket.

Karachi Dolphins made 16 runs for five wickets in the allotted 20 overs with the help of an aggressive 64 by Ramiz Raja Junior.

Rawalpindi batted very well and were looking in sight of victory but lost all their wickets for an even score in 20 overs.

After the match was tied, it was decided on super over.

Batting first, Rawalpindi made 16 off the over but Karachi could score only seven runs and lost the match and the title.

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SHABAN MOon NoT SightEd !

KARACHI: The Shaban moon was not sighted on Saturday, Chairman Ruet-e-Hilal Committee Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman said, Geo News reported.

He announced that Shaban One, 1432 AH will fall on Monday, July 04, 2011.

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AVATAR Fan Covers Back With Neytiri Tattoos

LOS ANGELES: Iggy, also known as Mr. Avatar, from Edmonton, Alberta, is a fan of James Cameron’s blockbuster who loved the main female character, Neytiri, so much that he covered his entire back with tattoos of her.

Iggy has taken his passion for the world of Pandora and Neytiri to a whole new level. Back in March 2010, Geekologie first introduced “Avatar Tattoo Guy”, after he had just gotten his first back tattoo. That was only the beginning, because meanwhile he added 10 more (all of Neytiri) and planned his 11th, a big Toruk on his chest. For now, he’s hitting the gym more often, so he can get better places for his Neytiri tattoos.

But while tattoos brought him Internet fame, his obsession with Neytiri isn’t limited to ink on his body. Some of the latest photos he posted on his TypePad profile show his truck got a Neytiri makeover, as well, and a NEYTIRI license plate to boot. He also has photos of the 9-feet-tall alien beauty all over his house.

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World Snail Racing Returns To Norfolk

LONDON: Zoomer won the World Snail Racing Championship final in a time of three minutes and twenty three seconds.

Anton, six, from Ashwicken, near King’s Lynn was entering the championships for the first time.

They were held as part of the Congham village fete at Grimston Cricket Ground yesterday.

When the time was right, Neil yelled: "Ready, steady, slow!" And with that proclamation, the 2011 World Snail Racing Championships begin.

Snail master Neil Riseborough said: “Some of the racing was pretty close and intense and there was a dead heat in one race. The final was won quite clearly though.

“It’s a shame that turnout was down by quite a bit compared to what we usually get. We often have about 2,000 people here. Because we’ve had a lot of rain many people assumed it was off.

“The people that did come had a great time though, and I’d like to thank everyone who made the effort to be here.”

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 WASHINGTON: Facebook on Tuesday launched a media resource page to help journalists use the social network as a reporting tool and better connect with their audience.

The "Journalists on Facebook" page is intended to be "an ongoing resource for the growing number of reporters using Facebook to find sources, interact with readers, and advance stories," Justin Osofsky, Facebook's director of media partnerships, said in a blog post.

"The page will provide journalists with best practices for integrating the latest Facebook products with their work and connecting with the Facebook audience of more than 500 million people," Osofsky said.

Facebook has been working with journalists since early 2010 to help make their content more social and Osofsky said the average media organization has seen referral traffic from Facebook soar over 300 percent since then.

Facebook also said it was launching a "Facebook Journalism Meetup" program with workshops on how to use Facebook as a reporting tool.

It said the first one will be held on April 27 at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, California.

Within hours of going up, the Journalists on Facebook page had received nearly 2,300 "likes."

Among those friending the page were CBS television news anchor Katie Couric, ABC's evening news anchor Diane Sawyer and ABC Sunday talk show host Christiane Amanpour, formerly of CNN. (AFP)

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KARACHI: Water supply to Karachi went hampered here when a main supply pipeline from Gharo pumping station burst due to backpressure of water after a sudden electricity outage.

As per details, 72inch diameter main pipeline burst when electricity suddenly supply went off and a huge back thrust of water tore the ageing pipeline. Millions of gallons of water went spilled due to pipeline burst.

The KWSB technical staff rushed to the site of incident and initiated repair work. They said the repair work could take 24 to 48 hours.

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